Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kinda like a Prius, but for Electricity!

Google's testing a new thing that's pretty neat: monitoring home electricity usage. Now, let me explain before you think it's uber creepy. The service is called PowerMeter which, if you sign up, can monitory how much energy you use for you to view online.

So, I draw comparisons to a Prius because my friend has a Prius, and on the Prius it tells what your instantaneous fuel milea
ge is. When you accelerate you use a lot of gas to power the engine to get your car rolling. When my friend starting seeing just exactly how much fuel he was using every time he put the pedal to the floor, he started accelerating more gently, increasing his fuel economy. There are other benefits to accelerating gently as well, such as increasing the life of your engine (and for those of you who hit the brakes hard over a short distance when you have to stop, breaking gently is good for your car as well and prolongs the life of your brake pads and rotors!).

Anyway, so as one google engineer said, "
It changes the way you think about electricty." This is from the same guy who realized his baseline energy consumption doubled whenever he turned on his kitchen lights.

I'd love to have this available for my home. I think it could drastically decrease the amount of electricity a family consumes each day.

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