Of course, what kind of blog would this ever be if there wasn't that all important inaugural post!? The title of this blog is "Can I Turn That Frown Upside Down?" (as you guys can obviously all read), and hopefully posts on this blog will make you smile. Unfortunately though, that's not exactly its main purpose (it'd be awesome if it was, but I'm gonna be honest, I'm really not that funny on paper, although I do hear I'm slightly funny in real life). I really just created this blog to write random musings on, and to keep my friends who I don't have everyday contact with in the loop with the doings of my everyday life. With that said, please, comment on my posts, because I'd love to hear from you (constructively!).
The title comes from a period in my life when I once had this inspiration in life to really try to make people smile. We had just finished watching Patch Adams in health class, and it was a phase I went through shortly thereafter where I really thought laughter was the best medicine. I even wrote a college essay on laughter. The essay was most likely terrible as I didn't get into any schools I submitted it to, but that's not the point. The point is that in this new year of 2009 (I know, I started my blog in February, oy vey) where I'm aiming to turn over multiple new leaves, I'd like to remember several old ones, the period about laughter being one of them.
So then, with this first post I shall embark into the blogosphere. It will be a journey of epicness, randomness, awesomeness, triumphness, disasterness, but most likely complete dorkiness, and hopefully you'll be fine with all that. If not, then the baby's gonna getchu.
I still have that essay of yours.
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