Wednesday, April 8, 2009

But But But, I love juice!...

"Juice is not much better for children than soda; it's basically just sugar"
- Amy Hillier, Assistant Professor in City and Regional Planning at Penn

I love juice. Like all kinds of juice, especially grapefruit juice. You know how people like to taste exotic wines and beers? Well I like to taste exotic juice. Yeah, that's how I roll.

But that statement from Amy Hillier is gonna change my life. I've heard the claim before, but not necessarily from anyone believable. But this is Amy Hillier! She's got like a special interest in urban food and nutrition, and she's had so much influence over me throughout my Penn years (even though she has absolutely no idea who I am) that she's a primary reason for why I'm doing research in the first place!

Shoot. My juice drinking days are numbered.


  1. Long live 100% juice. Orange, mango, cranberry, whatever you like. Death to juice drinks from concentrate. I want sweetness without high fructose corn syrup. I want vitamins and minerals in dangerous excess. I want an excruciating lack of fiber. I want fresh juice, free juice; I want fruit juice!

  2. wait. so is 100% juice better legit? how about ones that say pure? idk if i can live w/out orange and apple juice

  3. unfortunately I don't think it is. And I can't quite live without apple and orange juice either, as noted due to the fact that my juice consumption actually hasn't actually gone down...
