Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hopefully, by the end of the semester, This'll be me.

Honestly, I feel pretty shaky on my leadership abilities. I don't know how I get into the positions I get into, but often times I do wish I was as cool, confident, and tactful as Obama. As such, I really enjoyed the following quote from his appearance on Leno which said a lot about how he views leadership, and his role in management:

Mr. Obama seemed at a momentary loss for words only once during the session, which lasted 35 minutes (although some of it might be edited for the final show). That was when Mr. Leno, after asking about how Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is holding up, said that “I love that it’s all his problem.”

Mr. Obama recovered and said, “Look, I’m the president. So ultimately all this stuff is stuff is my responsibility. If I’m not giving him the tools that he needs to move things forward, then people need to look at me.”

He added: “One of the things I’m trying to break is a pattern in Washington where everybody is always looking for someone else to blame. And I think Geithner is doing an outstanding job.”
I'm working on it. =/


1 comment:

  1. I like that! I also think leadership development falls largely under a broader umbrella of personal development, a piece that's largely overlooked; this goes back to the conversation of self-confidence that's bordering between humility and pride...anyways, I think that's a fascinating intersection and maybe a route to exemplary leadership that hasn't been stressed enough...

    Also, there was this talk that I went to where the speaker said that his main objective is to help people come to their own conclusions about their beliefs.
